Saturday, February 25, 2017

Thing 30 Games like Jeopardy

I went out of order for this assignment as I had been toying with doing something with Jeopardy.  I had recommended this site to a friend of mine who is  a high school special education teacher to do with her kids when she was being evaluated.  She had much success with the site, student engagement as well as a great evaluation.

I do a modified version of jeopardy.  At certain times throughout the year, I use student work and we either play bingo with it or we play a version of jeopardy where the student has to get the answer correct and a basket in the garbage can to get a point for his/her team.  If a student does not know the answer he/she can call on someone on his/her team to answer.  I have had great success with this game in particular as all students are engaged and it can get very exciting, especially if we have to have play sudden death.

This year with first and second grades we read two of the Caldecott runner ups, Duz It Tak and They All Saw  A Cat.  With second grade at the next lesson, I had the kids come up with their recommendation for a Caldecott winner.  This lesson coincides with opinion writing that is currently being studied in the classroom.  Below is a picture of one of the student's work

I then scanned in all of the student work for my five second grade classes and I made jeopardy boards for each class based on the work that the students' generated.  Below is a link to the addresses for the five classes.

I will then have an answer sheet that students can choose from.  I will probably use slides to make that.  Hopefully, the sites won't be blocked!  I am hopeful as they are not in the high school.  We'll see.

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thing 6 Curation Tools

I read all of the information about curation tools and what I am most interested is the fact that curation tools use higher thinking skills and are a way to check to see if students know the research process and it also allows for creativity.

I read the articles and I checked out some of the tools and picked lessonpath mainly because it works through google and what I use for school has to be able to be used through google chrome.  I had trouble with this tool. I ended up making two, I am not sure how.  I also couldn't figure out how to change the order of the slides.  I inserted a video and realized that it does not want the embed code but the actual utube address. I wanted to see if I could use this for a fourth grade project that I do.  I would have to resolve the problems I had before I could conceivably do that.

Here is the link for the project that I created: