Tuesday, March 14, 2017


I read all of the information posted in this assignment.  Since we use google chromebooks at school, I decided screen castify was the best choice.  I have used google hangouts in the past.  I decided that I wanted to do something that I could use so I made a slide show about how to use the on-line catalog to access EBOOKS that were currently available at the library with a specific reading level range.  I had fun doing this and I think the product I came up with will be useful to students and faculty at my school. I must confess it will help me as well as often I forget how I did something and don't feel like spending the time to reacquaint myself with the process.  The link to my product is here:


I also made this available off of my webpage:

1 comment:

  1. Terrific - glad you were able to do something really useful with this! Also, took a look at your webpage and skimmed through the google slides you have. Loved the work the kids did. "Goldilocks and the 3 cobras" - love that!! :)
